Selecting an Engineer / QBS
The selection of a consulting engineer is one of the most important decisions you will make in completing a successful project. While the cost of engineering services for the average facility represents less than one percent of the total lifetime cost of construction, operation and maintenance, the design can have a major impact on all other costs. Investing in quality design services at the outset of the project often results in long-term savings.
Cost effective problem solving and high quality design can only be achieved with competence and experience. The Qualifications Based Selection (QBS) process helps clients find the design consultant most qualified for their project. It is a time-proven method endorsed by federal, state and local government and used by many private sector owners and institutions.
Following this simple method, consultants are selected first on competence, creativity and performance and second on negotiation of a fair and reasonable price. By selecting a consulting engineer based on price competition, you limit the professional’s resources to undertake a thorough analysis of a problem and to search for innovative solutions. You also deny yourself access to the most valuable assets the professional has to offer: creativity and professional judgement.
Cheap design is expensive. Your investment in quality-design will enable the most qualified consultant to apply technical knowledge and relevant project
For additional QBS Resources CLICK HERE.
For more information or assistance about QBS, please contact the ACEC/ND Central Office at 701-223-3184.